Christy Cooper-Burnett

How did I get here?

Some of you may be wondering how I got here. I know I am.

It all started with a dream about my grandmother’s old typewriter. Weird, huh? Not as weird as what happened after that, though. That dream set me on a path I never imagined myself on.

In this dream of mine, I was tapping away on the keys, pounding out a brilliant manuscript about a time-traveler named Christine. I couldn’t shake the memory of it the next day and mentioned it to my son, Mychael. His response set my writing career in motion when he said, “You should write a book based on that dream.”

Me? Write a book? I’d never written anything. Well, that isn’t entirely true. My work emails were legendary among my peers. Okay, legendary may be too strong a word, but they did get some admiration whenever I had to very nicely decline a client’s warranty request. So I had that going for me.

I know what you’re thinking. Not a great starting point. But everyone has to start somewhere, and that’s what I had to work with.

Fast forward a year or so, and my first book, No Way Home was finally done. Off it went to several independent publishers on a wing and a prayer. Hitting the send button on those emails, I was equally full of hope and dread. Would anyone read my book? Would they get past the synopsis? What had I just done? I was a bundle of nerves, and never expected to hear back from any of them. But I did.

It’s been a few years since I’ve signed with my publisher, Black Rose Writing. I’ve just finished my fourth book to be released by BRW on September 15, 2022.

Now, I must warn you at this point that I am new to blogging. I’m nervous again. So be gentle with me. I do, however, read a daily blog by a very accomplished writer, my dear friend and best-selling author, Tom McCaffrey (The Wise Ass, An Alien Appeal, Kissing My Ass Goodbye). If you haven’t read his books, you should. He is a very talented guy. Plus, he makes me laugh on a daily basis. I will do my best to rise to his blogging level, but I make no promises. I should also mention there is a rumor currently swirling around twitter that suggests me and Tom are the same person. To that I say, no comment. Although, I would challenge anyone to swear that they have ever seen us in the same room together.

On that note, I’ll only say, if you stick with me here, I will do my best to entertain you. I am part of a group of amazing women I have been friends with since we were very young. The stories abound. I am not above sharing those stories. Or any other subject I fancy on any particular day.

So stay tuned, and maybe you’ll get a laugh out of my blog. At the very least it will give you something to do in the Starbuck’s line every morning.

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